Monday, February 17, 2014


CHAPTER ONE: INTERVIEW DAY  Complete the gaps:
1. What color is  Helen´s car?
2. Is the house big?...........................................................
3. How many people live in the house? ..........................................................
4. What are the people´s names? ..........................................................
5. How many beds do they have in the house? ..........................................................
6. What is Candidate One (Alan)´s profession? ..........................................................
7. What animal does Candidate two have? ..........................................................
8. How much is the house a week? 150 pounds..........................................................
9. Where does Anne live? ..........................................................
10 Where does Anne work? ..........................................................
11. Does Anne smoke? ..........................................................
12. Do Helen smoke? ..........................................................
13. What is Jane´s profession? ..........................................................
14. Where is she from? ..........................................................
15. What does she like? ..........................................................
16. Does Jane cook(cocina)? ..........................................................
17. Does Jane have any animals? ..........................................................
18. Does Jane play any instruments? ..........................................................
19. What is the name of the street? ..........................................................
20. What is the house number? ..........................................................

Write a Word missing (completa con las palabras que faltan)

1.     Helen and David …………………….breakfast at ……………………………………in the morning.
2.     David is from………………………... but he Works in ……………………………..
3.     David likes football and …………………….. (sports)
4.     David starts work at ………………………………..
5.     Helen comes from………………… she  Works in ………………………
6.     Helen starts work at………………………………..
7.     Helen loves France and ………………………… She speaks French and ………………………..
8.     Helen doesn´t like c……………………………..s
9.     Is Matt in bed?....………………………………..
10. Matt is from …………………………… he Works in a ………………………………..
11. Matt likes ………………….. games and …………………. Music. He loves his……………………….


·      Do they go to the shop? ..........................................................
·      Do they go to the shop by bus or car? ..........................................................
·      Is the shop big or small? ..........................................................
·      How much is color blue? ..........................................................
·      How much is color orange? ..........................................................
·      How many  paint cans (botes de pintura ) do they need (necesitan)? ..........................................................
·      Do they like orange color? ..........................................................
·      Does Helen like the color? ..........................................................

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